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2023 Daily Whiparound
3m 43s
🤩 Wednesday Whiparound!
🍿 Matchups of the top teams in BOTH divisions
😮 Justin Wylie saves the game for KC
🐮 Gomez hits the game-winner in Texas
📺 Much more from an incredible start to the new series with Matt Yeazel
Up Next in 2023 Daily Whiparound
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⚾️ Thursday Whiparound!
👀 Home run robbery saves the game for LC
🤠 Cleburne evens the set against Milwaukee
🌭 Chicago walks it off to get back in win column
📺 Much more from a packed Wednesday with Matt Yeazel
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🔥 Friday Whiparound!
👑 Monarchs complete the first sweep in Fargo since 2019
🐶 Nick Anderson wins it for Lincoln
📺 Much more from Matt Yeazel ahead of new weekend series tonight
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😎 Saturday Whiparound
🔥 Nick Herold wins the pither's duel in Gary
❗️ RedHawks bounce back in Sioux Falls
🐮 Milkmen take 3-1 lead in Cleburne
📺 Much more from the start of new series on Friday night with Matt Yeazel